Russell O’Connor’s Blog
- 2025-02-27T01:25:20Z: The Right Number of YubiKeys is Three
- 2021-06-15T19:14:22Z: On Building Consensus and Speedy Trial
- 2020-12-13T02:30:15Z: Carbon Tax: Running my Numbers
- 2020-09-29T02:37:01Z: It Is Never a Compiler Bug Until It Is
- 2019-12-09T20:31:22Z: Stochastic Elections Canada 2019 Results
- 2019-10-30T03:53:52Z: Stochastic Elections Canada 2019 Update
- 2019-08-25T18:38:57Z: Counterfactual Definiteness and the EPR paradox
- 2019-02-23T16:16:25Z: How can basic arithmetic make a self-referential sentence?
- 2018-02-25T16:05:48Z: Why Is It Taking 20 Minutes to Mine This Bitcoin Block?
- 2018-01-06T16:40:28Z: Verifying Bech32 Checksums with Pen and Paper
- 2017-10-10T00:17:46Z: Functor-Oriented Programming
- 2017-10-08T22:27:03Z: Taking Propositions as Types Seriously
- 2017-06-16T11:45:46Z: Some Random Thoughts of an Advanced Haskeller
- 2015-12-10T03:37:09Z: Bell’s Casino Solution
- 2015-11-16T04:20:26Z: Stochastic Elections Canada 2015 Results
- 2015-10-21T01:56:05Z: Stochastic Elections Canada 2015 Update
- 2015-08-27T02:03:14Z: Clearing Up “Clearing Up Mysteries”
- 2015-08-16T18:56:21Z: Bell’s Casino Problem
- 2015-02-22T23:31:25Z: Parallel Evaluation of the Typed Lambda Calculus
- 2015-01-11T04:05:37Z: Secure diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
- 2014-09-21T17:56:44Z: Hard Drive Failure
- 2014-08-03T03:09:05Z: ICFP 2014 Post-Mortem
- 2014-04-22T14:29:11Z: How to Fake Dynamic Binding in Nix
- 2014-02-10T18:12:44Z: van Laarhoven Free Monad
- 2013-07-10T01:25:27Z: Key Stretching
- 2012-12-17T01:09:53Z: Investment Recovery
- 2012-12-09T18:29:14Z: On the Static Nature of Traversals
- 2012-07-08T12:22:19Z: Confession of a Haskell Hacker
- 2012-06-23T10:49:01Z: Polymorphic Update with van Laarhoven Lenses
- 2012-05-05T17:39:11Z: ACM Followup
- 2012-02-06T00:52:36Z: Mirco… Mezzo… Macroflation—Overheated Economy
- 2012-02-05T00:43:50Z: Local Song #1
- 2011-11-19T21:15:04Z: Bug in OpenSSL?
- 2011-09-30T01:25:33Z: The ACM and Me
- 2011-08-08T03:56:22Z: A Very General Method of Computing Shortest Paths
- 2011-05-30T17:02:50Z: Stochastic Elections Canada 2011 Results
- 2011-05-20T22:02:01Z: I/O is not a monad
- 2011-05-05T20:57:10Z: Stochastic Elections Canada 2011 Update
- 2011-04-16T20:47:42Z: Git is Inconsistent
- 2011-03-07T03:59:26Z: What Happens When Mathematicians Cannot Do Induction Correctly?
- 2010-08-02T00:58:35Z: Jaynes on Entropy
- 2010-06-27T19:50:27Z: ICFP 2010 Post-Mortem
- 2010-01-07T03:59:02Z: Constructive Classical Completeness
- 2009-11-01T23:12:01Z: Believing In-Consistency
- 2009-08-09T20:38:09Z: 2009 Eclipse
- 2009-05-22T01:57:39Z: Do Not Play the Lottery Unless You Are a Millionaire
- 2009-05-11T01:39:39Z: Object Oriented Programmer’s Productivity
- 2009-02-18T02:50:48Z: James R Meyer vs Kurt Gödel
- 2008-12-05T01:06:25Z: On Prorogation
- 2008-11-16T21:36:44Z: Haskell Lesson
- 2008-11-09T22:07:50Z: Betting on Minnesota
- 2008-11-09T01:56:36Z: Picking Up Fractions of a Penny
- 2008-11-07T06:14:47Z: Stochastic Elections Canada 2008 Results
- 2008-10-16T17:48:11Z: Stochastic Elections Canada 2008 Update
- 2008-10-15T16:31:40Z: UBC ESM 2008
- 2008-07-16T13:12:35Z: ICFP 2008 Post-Mortem
- 2008-06-21T02:26:14Z: No-Good Ethical Funds
- 2008-02-10T18:14:53Z: Anti-War Play
- 2008-02-10T15:50:53Z: Patrick Adrian O’Connor
- 2007-11-12T18:41:08Z: Real Distributed Version Control Systems Don’t Require Tree Topologies
- 2007-10-28T16:25:29Z: Continuation Passing Style for Monads
- 2007-10-27T16:29:02Z: The Most Poignant Presidential Speech in American History
- 2007-08-20T17:59:38Z: Implementing the Kelly Criterion
- 2007-08-16T19:36:09Z: Kelly Criterion
- 2007-08-04T18:51:54Z: ICFP 2007 Post-Mortem
- 2007-08-02T18:07:47Z: Free Your Mind
- 2007-06-27T19:10:26Z: Technology, Entertainment, Design
- 2006-12-16T17:58:00Z: An Outrageous New Perspective
- 2006-12-11T20:35:00Z: Full Disclosure
- 2006-12-11T09:10:00Z: $0.002˘
- 2006-12-08T19:16:00Z: Digital Archive on Paper (Part II)
- 2006-12-07T20:08:00Z: Digital Archive on Paper (Part I)
- 2006-12-06T20:54:00Z: Dow vs Euro
- 2006-12-04T21:20:00Z: Four Colour Hypermaps and Algebraic Numbers
- 2006-11-29T18:55:00Z: Cannonballs
- 2006-11-13T18:28:00Z: Help, Category Theorist Needed
- 2006-11-12T12:22:00Z: Radical Dreamers
- 2006-11-08T21:01:00Z: Losers
- 2006-11-07T18:06:00Z: Go Republicans
- 2006-10-28T19:27:00Z: pixietricks
- 2006-10-12T18:16:00Z: Functional Optimisation
- 2006-09-29T18:50:00Z: Iridium Flare
- 2006-09-19T08:48:00Z: Y Combinator in Haskell
- 2006-09-16T13:50:00Z: Dapper Drake
- 2006-09-15T20:28:00Z: The Power of Nightmares
- 2006-09-12T06:48:00Z: Eternal Sin and Radical Atheism
- 2006-09-11T11:35:00Z: New Tor Server
- 2006-09-04T17:54:00Z: Constructive Logic Is an Extension of Classical Logic
- 2006-08-09T11:53:00Z: Python on Planes
- 2006-08-03T18:24:00Z: DMCA Screws Over Music Industry
- 2006-08-01T13:42:00Z: C.e. sets
- 2006-07-09T15:31:00Z: SHA2 in Haskell
- 2006-07-07T18:43:00Z: Lazy vs. Strict
- 2006-06-29T06:50:00Z: Reading List: The Revolt of the Masses (1930)
- 2006-06-20T20:44:00Z: Escher and the Droste Effect
- 2006-06-14T20:44:00Z: Divine Proportions
- 2006-06-08T20:06:00Z: Paris
- 2006-05-23T03:19:00Z: The Night Sky
- 2006-05-10T17:32:00Z: Still Looking for Science Archive
- 2006-05-08T17:40:00Z: ZFC + Woodin Cardinals Consistent
- 2006-05-02T19:26:00Z: The Da Vinci Code
- 2006-05-01T19:19:00Z: 7th Heaven
- 2006-05-01T19:14:00Z: Wien
- 2006-04-30T11:16:00Z: Length of Proofs
- 2006-04-14T18:13:00Z: God Speaks Through Me
- 2006-04-10T15:12:00Z: On the Definition of Function
- 2006-04-08T20:11:00Z: User Interfaces and Iran Air Flight 655
- 2006-04-05T20:56:00Z: Bioengineered Tissue Replaces Human Organ
- 2006-03-15T09:44:00Z: Putting the Logical in Topological
- 2006-03-14T17:05:00Z: Recent Knowledge
- 2006-03-12T11:18:00Z: Low Power Computation
- 2006-03-10T20:36:00Z: TFP 2006
- 2006-03-07T21:11:00Z: Can’t Call Collect? Skype.
- 2006-03-05T09:09:00Z: Calculation
- 2006-03-04T12:26:00Z: Eclipse 2008
- 2006-02-22T20:35:00Z: Teaching Computer Graphics
- 2006-02-21T07:52:00Z: Free Speech
- 2006-02-17T23:13:00Z: More Tears: Nasty, Poor, Brutish and Short
- 2006-02-17T20:12:00Z: Stochastic Elections Canada 2006 Results
- 2006-02-16T09:08:00Z: You Can’t Be a Sweet Cucumber in a Vinegar Barrel
- 2006-02-16T07:52:00Z: Hunting
- 2006-02-05T19:43:00Z: Evolution vs Intelligent Design
- 2006-02-05T16:46:00Z: The Long Tomorrow
- 2006-02-02T17:06:00Z: Cuba Timezone
- 2006-02-01T14:15:00Z: Factors
- 2006-01-31T19:59:00Z: Notes from Entering Cuba
- 2006-01-25T20:06:00Z: Stochastic Elections Canada 2006 Update
- 2006-01-24T10:01:00Z: Hot Parliament
- 2006-01-22T17:27:00Z: If Every Vote Counted
- 2006-01-20T20:38:00Z: UBC ESM
- 2006-01-20T20:24:00Z: Iran War
- 2006-01-02T20:30:00Z: 22C3: Darknet
- 2006-01-02T10:00:00Z: Iraqi Occupation
- 2006-01-01T17:05:00Z: 22C3: Day 10
- 2005-12-29T00:28:00Z: Private Investigations
- 2005-12-22T21:06:00Z: Factoring Is Hard
- 2005-12-16T12:52:00Z: Penguin Logic
- 2005-12-14T10:15:00Z: PDF Editing
- 2005-12-12T20:39:00Z: Liberty
- 2005-12-10T20:29:00Z: How Dedekind Screwed Up a Hundred Years of Mathematics
- 2005-12-06T19:35:00Z: You Think Your Holiday Tradition Is Weird?
- 2005-12-04T15:29:00Z: Market Pricing.
- 2005-12-03T09:02:00Z: Software Transactional Memory
- 2005-12-02T10:12:00Z: The Gulf of Tonkin Attacks
- 2005-11-30T22:49:00Z: Conjunctive Adverbs
- 2005-11-27T12:57:00Z: Declarations Are Restrictive or Nonrestrictive?
- 2005-11-25T17:57:00Z: Practical Foundations of Mathematics
- 2005-11-20T16:01:00Z: Catagory of Uniformly Continuous Functions
- 2005-11-13T17:20:00Z: Philosophy of Math Meme
- 2005-11-08T23:05:00Z: Tag
- 2005-10-30T20:27:00Z: JFS, OS/2, & Linux
- 2005-10-21T18:57:00Z: Piecewise Continuous Functions
- 2005-10-13T19:29:00Z: Is Bush a Blackshirt?
- 2005-09-28T19:54:00Z: Murphy’s Law
- 2005-08-20T10:09:00Z: Few Digits
- 2005-08-17T19:38:00Z: Republican Quotes
- 2005-08-17T18:18:00Z: A Lesson from Cryptography
- 2005-08-17T11:00:00Z: More London Shooting
- 2005-08-12T19:59:00Z: Ordinal Logics and Gödel Sentences
- 2005-08-05T16:33:00Z: Risk—Is It Worth It?
- 2005-08-03T20:23:00Z: Bump Keys
- 2005-08-02T20:38:00Z: WTH Roundup
- 2005-07-31T09:19:00Z: Signing Digital Keys in Europe
- 2005-07-30T09:24:00Z: AWACS Overhead
- 2005-07-28T14:23:00Z: What The Hack
- 2005-07-25T17:33:00Z: Shoot to Kill
- 2005-07-17T11:28:00Z: Backup ≠ Archive
- 2005-07-14T12:18:00Z: Monads Everywhere
- 2005-07-12T17:14:00Z: Chaotic Orbits
- 2005-07-09T05:06:00Z: CBC Television
- 2005-07-08T19:13:00Z: Haskell Plotting
- 2005-07-07T04:25:00Z: Human Decision
- 2005-07-05T12:44:00Z: Satellite Maps
- 2005-07-05T00:35:00Z: Brotherly Wisdom
- 2005-07-05T00:22:00Z: How It’s Made
- 2005-06-28T01:14:00Z: Lemmings™
- 2005-06-21T18:41:00Z: The Evolution Will Not Be Televised
- 2005-06-12T20:54:00Z: Ununderline Hyperlinks
- 2005-06-12T15:59:00Z: On Writing Online Hytertext Articles
- 2005-06-04T14:38:00Z: Intensional vs Extensional Choice
- 2005-05-30T12:18:00Z: Subjective Black Hole
- 2005-05-29T07:53:00Z: Random and Quasiperidoic
- 2005-05-28T12:24:00Z: Mindless Sheep
- 2005-05-28T07:36:00Z: Bicycle Spam
- 2005-05-21T19:15:00Z: GnuPlot
- 2005-05-21T18:55:00Z: Does God Play Dice?
- 2005-05-17T17:14:00Z: George Galloway
- 2005-05-15T18:19:00Z: Hoary Hedgehog
- 2005-05-14T08:21:00Z: The Genie is Out of the Bottle
- 2005-05-11T15:38:00Z: Looking for Archives
- 2005-05-09T17:57:00Z: Entropy of My Hard Drive
- 2005-05-09T15:12:00Z: Information, Velocity, and Power
- 2005-05-06T10:31:00Z: Upside Down Temperature
- 2005-05-05T17:05:00Z: Temperature and Entropy
- 2005-04-26T16:30:00Z: Harddrive Enclosure and JFS
- 2005-04-23T07:32:00Z: Transferring Copyright
- 2005-04-18T19:01:00Z: Language Design
- 2005-04-14T10:42:00Z: Switching Focus
- 2005-04-11T16:48:00Z: Multi-Protocol Attacks
- 2005-04-11T16:02:00Z: US dollar
- 2005-04-08T21:12:00Z: Discontinuous Functions on the Reals
- 2005-04-05T19:14:00Z: Mathematics Enters a New Age
- 2005-03-31T20:55:00Z: Germany and the Bomb
- 2005-03-27T14:54:00Z: Accelerating Change
- 2005-03-12T16:09:00Z: Real Epiphiny
- 2005-03-09T09:00:00Z: Are More People Alive than Dead?
- 2005-03-08T18:21:00Z: Towards a Justification of My Research.
- 2005-03-06T13:52:00Z: Make Sucks
- 2005-03-05T16:10:00Z: Stopping SSH from Dropping Connections
- 2005-02-25T21:14:00Z: Non-homogeneous Inductive Types
- 2005-02-24T21:15:00Z: The True Name of Mathematical Objects
- 2005-02-23T07:28:00Z: Second Class Person
- 2005-02-17T19:13:00Z: End of Email
- 2005-02-16T22:05:00Z: Kyoto
- 2005-02-12T12:53:00Z: How to Write Numbers
- 2005-02-10T09:59:00Z: Axiom Systems
- 2005-02-07T18:52:00Z: Free Software and Esperanto
- 2005-02-06T20:31:00Z: How to Enter the Netherlands from Canada - 07
- 2005-02-04T10:38:00Z: Short Haskell Programs
- 2005-01-31T12:36:00Z: How to Enter the Netherlands from Canada - 06
- 2005-01-28T10:25:00Z: America and The Bomb
- 2005-01-28T09:38:00Z: How to Enter the Netherlands from Canada - 05
- 2005-01-26T10:30:00Z: How to Enter the Netherlands from Canada - 04
- 2005-01-24T12:32:00Z: How to Enter the Netherlands from Canada - 03
- 2005-01-16T20:47:00Z: Why Is Everyone So Interetested in My Sex?
- 2005-01-14T17:21:00Z: How to Enter the Netherlands from Canada - 02
- 2005-01-14T09:06:00Z:
- 2005-01-13T10:56:00Z: How to Enter the Netherlands from Canada - 01
- 2005-01-12T16:12:00Z: What Language is This?
- 2005-01-09T18:59:00Z: Graphics
- 2005-01-02T05:07:00Z: Basic
- 2004-12-20T02:49:00Z: What the #$*! Do We Know!?
- 2004-11-24T04:44:00Z: Exchange Rate
- 2004-11-11T23:54:00Z: Y2K Taught Us Nothing.
- 2004-11-10T01:43:00Z: md5sum
- 2004-11-05T15:06:00Z: Exchange
- 2004-11-04T04:01:00Z: Post-Election
- 2004-10-18T00:27:00Z: CNN Kabuki
- 2004-09-24T04:23:00Z: Passport Application
- 2004-09-17T02:16:00Z: mutable const
- 2004-09-05T00:07:00Z: More Haste, Less Speed
- 2004-08-15T23:51:00Z: Fun Things to Do If You Are Lazy
- 2004-08-14T20:24:00Z: Gnome Under TWM
- 2004-08-14T18:43:00Z: My Laptop is Working Again
- 2004-06-18T09:13:00Z: The Triumph of Hope over Self-Interest
- 2004-06-16T02:34:00Z: LISPOP
- 2004-06-16T00:53:00Z: Excluded Middle Almost Reasonable.
- 2004-06-11T22:33:00Z: Defensive Programming
- 2004-06-06T16:10:00Z: Water and Life
- 2004-06-03T00:53:00Z: Voting System
- 2004-05-30T20:31:00Z: Programming in C++ is Not Humanly Possible
- 2004-05-27T02:43:00Z: How to Migrate a (Sub)key into a New Key
- 2004-05-22T15:44:00Z: More Futures Market
- 2004-05-16T14:26:00Z: ATM and Euros
- 2004-05-16T09:17:00Z: Flying West
- 2004-05-10T18:09:00Z: Quantum Curvature
- 2004-05-09T10:17:00Z: ZF still consistent
- 2004-05-03T14:17:00Z: Green Ice Tea
- 2004-04-12T02:43:00Z: Raytracing in Sinc
- 2004-04-09T14:34:00Z: Creative Commons Flash
- 2004-04-07T01:07:00Z: Copyright in Canada
- 2004-03-25T03:49:00Z: Dinner Party
- 2004-03-13T22:55:00Z: Prisoners Have the Right to Vote
- 2004-03-12T03:23:00Z: Electrical Wiring in the House
- 2004-03-11T04:22:00Z: How to Recover Passwords from Mozilla
- 2004-03-05T04:36:00Z: Constructive Set Theory
- 2004-02-27T01:16:00Z: OSS
- 2004-02-20T04:11:00Z: proletariat
- 2004-02-07T21:20:00Z: Person Stop
- 2004-02-01T17:01:00Z: Worthless Textbooks
- 2004-01-31T20:58:00Z: Spanking
- 2004-01-28T06:04:00Z: Wiki Wiki Web
- 2004-01-17T02:58:00Z: Electronics Stores
- 2004-01-17T00:08:00Z: Games
- 2004-01-11T17:08:00Z: Tall structures
- 2004-01-10T14:53:00Z: Inscriber
- 2003-12-27T06:21:00Z: Triforce
- 2003-12-24T01:59:00Z: Unwired
- 2003-12-22T03:29:00Z: Traffic
- 2003-12-20T00:29:00Z: Functions on Reals
- 2003-12-15T21:41:00Z: P2P legal in Canada
- 2003-12-08T04:21:00Z: HTML Geekiness
- 2003-12-06T18:39:00Z: Liberty Measles
- 2003-12-02T03:22:00Z: Equal Sign Considered Harmful
- 2003-11-30T08:49:00Z: Quackman
- 2003-11-23T01:09:00Z: Hermann’s Grid with Dots
- 2003-11-18T05:18:00Z: My Life at Berkeley
- 2003-11-15T03:42:00Z: Kids Play
- 2003-11-13T05:08:00Z: Damn You Redundancy
- 2003-11-09T18:43:00Z: Eclipse
- 2003-11-08T20:04:00Z: Tomacco
- 2003-10-29T17:01:00Z: Choice
- 2003-10-25T04:21:00Z: Got Milk
- 2003-10-23T05:22:00Z: Bad fmt
- 2003-10-21T06:04:00Z: French is hard
- 2003-10-17T06:00:00Z: Geodesic Triangles
- 2003-10-10T04:53:00Z: Amnesty works
- 2003-10-08T03:00:00Z: brown eggs
- 2003-09-26T06:22:00Z: Damn you ACPI
- 2003-09-23T01:53:00Z: Damn you apt-get
- 2003-09-20T17:44:00Z: Disk Quota
- 2003-09-15T02:40:00Z: Hilary Clinton Chances to Win the Democratic Nomination
- 2003-09-14T19:46:00Z: No Euro for Sweden
- 2003-09-13T03:38:00Z: Prisoners Dilemma Inverse Problem
- 2003-09-11T06:16:00Z: Differential Geometry
- 2003-09-10T05:42:00Z: Algebra
- 2003-09-03T20:12:00Z: Groups
- 2003-08-30T19:56:00Z: Understanding
- 2003-08-27T15:51:00Z: Black Holes
- 2003-08-07T01:11:00Z: Aliens and Radio Waves
- 2003-07-31T21:08:00Z: Foresight Exchange
- 2003-07-31T19:23:00Z: Us Troops Turn Botched Saddam Raid Into A Massacre
- 2003-07-29T01:44:00Z: I’m dumb
- 2003-07-26T06:27:00Z: Economy of Everquest
- 2003-07-26T03:46:00Z: Entropy and Temperature
- 2003-07-21T16:44:00Z: Rurouni Kenshin
- 2003-07-20T19:59:00Z: MP3 Sucks
- 2003-07-18T18:42:00Z: To Do
- 2001-12-16T22:33:00Z: Math 145